
October 2022

Wow, October was a busy month for us!
We moved into a new office space downtown, right near MacEwan University, assembled and tested our new 3D scanner, and added two printers into our arsenal (Prusa I3 MK3S+, and the Photon Mono 6K)…

What does this all mean?
We can now print far faster than we used to. The new space allows us to continue expanding and work on new projects.
Most excitingly, with the 3D scanner we can now repair, modify, and reverse engineer products that you want!
We have started printing in PETG, CF-Nylon, and ABS. 

Soon, we’ll be looking into some flexible materials!

In November, we will be continuing to make our way through your custom-orders, as well as working on some projects to improve our workflow.
We will also be looking into adding new retailers in the Edmonton area for our products, so stay tuned for some more updates to come!

September 2022

We have not been posting on our Instagram as much recently, and a few orders with customization are taking longer than usual. Upgrading our machines and experimenting with some new tools and filament have been our top priority. We have also been increasing our site security and usability for a better experience when ordering and contacting us.

Coming soon we will have a 3D scanner and industrial grade filament for heat, chemical, and even nuclear resistant applications. All orders that have specific requirements will need to be done through our contact page. 

We are still working on our Monster Manual Catalogue, and Interlocking Terrain! Unfortunately, with all of the testing and research required with the new materials we have had to push the time line back for these products.

Another interesting update; we now have some of our models on display and for purchase at Factory Climbing in Edmonton!

August 2022

We have completed our Character Model Catalogue for August! We will be updating it regularly when we design new models. 

We are currently working on our Monster Manual Catalogue, which should be coming your way within the next few weeks. legacyprinting.ca/catalogues/

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